AMEDD Civilian Wellness Program
Army Civilian Fitness and Health Promotion Program:
What does this mean to me as a MEDCOM Civilian?
Check out the updated OTSG/MEDCOM Policy Memo 21-021, Army Civilian Fitness and Health Promotion Program recently released with specific requirements to participate in the program.
a. The program applies to Army Civilian appropriated and non-appropriated fund employees.
b. Participation in the program is not an entitlement and is subject to approval by supervisory officials. Subject to governing law, regulation, and policy, Civilian employees may be granted up to 3 hours of administrative leave per week (no more than 1 hour per day) to participate in a command-sponsored fitness and health promotion program.
c. Participating employees must execute a program participation agreement. Specific times for participation will be dictated by mission requirements and approved in advance.
d. Commanders and supervisors must maintain accountability over employees participating in the program and are responsible for ensuring compliance with program participation requirements.
AR 600-64 - Army Health Promotion
Holistic Health and Fitness
Info Paper - Holistic Health and Fitness System Overview
Comprehensive Soldier & Family Fitness (CSF2)
The program, based on 30-plus years of scientific study and results, uses individual assessments, tailored virtual training, classroom training and embedded resilience experts to provide the critical skills our Soldiers, Family Members, and Army Civilian need. Comprehensive Soldier Fitness marks a new era for the Army by comprehensively equipping and training our Soldiers, Family Member, and Army Civilians to maximize their potential and face the physical and psychological challenges of sustained operations. We are committed to a true prevention model, aimed at the entire force, which will enhance resilience and coping skills enabling them to grow and thrive in today`s Army.
Army's Global Assessment Tool
Check out the Army's Global Assessment Tool, known as the GAT. The new GAT 2.0 is a confidential, self-assessment tool that can help you improve you and your family`s overall health and well being. By knowing yourself, you can stay emotionally and psychologically strong.
Performance Triad
Army Medicine's Performance Triad is a focus area of the Army Medicine 2020 Campaign Plan, imperative to Improve Stamina. Nested under the Army’s Ready and Resilient Campaign, the Performance Triad is Army Medicine’s key initiative to improve Soldier, Civilian, and Family health and stamina.
The Performance Triad focuses on Sleep, Activity, and Nutrition Management (SAN). The emphasis is on the time referred to as the Lifespace, the average of 525,500 minutes of the year when we are not under medical care. We can all positively impact our health by investing in this triad of key factors. Getting back to the basics of Sleep, Activity, and Nutrition is key for all of us in optimizing personal health, performance, and resilience.
Go to the Army Medicine website at to learn more about the Performance Triad and access useful tools to help you start investing in your health.